Friday, 11 April 2008

Doughnuts yum! yum!

I love and it has to be said crave doughnuts. Not the fancy type with cream and nuts or fruit or the jammy and custard ones, no the straight forward ring doughnut with a light sprinkling of sugar. Last night I couldn't sleep through muscle pain and head ache. Nothing unusual there, but all night I was craving doughnuts! Warm sweet slightly crunchy on the out side with light sweet bread middle. I could imagine the smell as they cooked. I can almost taste their yummyness(That may be a new word). There's nothing for it Andy my love will have to purchase me some tomorrow before I start hallucinating. I used to make doughnuts when the girls were young, them and lots of other goodies like cake and scones.
Doughnuts have been on my mind for a week or so now and I know it will not go away until I have had my fill. Last night if I had the energy I would have made a batch and probably eaten the lot so bad was my craving. It's hard to get a decent tasting doughnut around where we live, Sainsbury's are the closest yet still not right. The best shop made ones it has to be said reluctantly are from a little ice-cream come doughnut stall in Mapplethorpe a sea side town on the Lincolnshire coast.
May be I could incorporate it into my art? Yes I can imagine a performance piece, Me a doughnut machine plenty of doughnut mixture a fryer and sugar for dredging the doughnuts. At the end of the performance I will sit in a arm chair watching a old black and white film eating the doughnuts with a cup of coffee. Any art lover want to sponsor me I will oblige just need an assistant to do the work! I'll eat the doughnuts.


Viv said...

You're not pregnant are you Mum? Ha ha!

just between you and me said...

No. it would be the second coming of the Lord! I think you need a womb to get pregnant.