I been thinking a lot about ViV our eldest and Ruth the youngest daughter over the last couple of weeks.
Viv lives in Edinburgh with her fiance John. I'm missing her a lot, she rings and we email a lot but a cuddly whats needed. She is nearing the end of an environmental MA, and specialising in lichens. This is so Viv, when she was ten she gave a talk in assembly to her school on mycology (toadstools and mushrooms to most). In her mid teens rivers flow and how it effects the land scape was her thing. We couldn't go for a walk near a river without been told how it had formed that way. She totally immerses her self in her study, it worries me that shes going to burn her self out.
Having said that when the pressures off she knows how to party. Really can't wait to see her and John in May when they come home for a few days.
Ruthie we see every week and rings most days she tends to worry a lot about me. Andy's of to a gig on Sunday and staying over night at a friends. Ruth has decided that she wants to come and stay, have a girls night in. In other words she's coming to mother sit! just in case I'm ill again. Cotton wool and wrapping come to mind. I don't care it will be great to have her to my self for the night shes such a wonderfully bubbly person unless tired then very snappy person but still lovely with it. I have a feeling face pack a bottle of wine, chocs or ice-cream and a film may be the order of the night, shame I can't drink the wine because of the tablets I'm on, then again could have an interesting effect! probably sleep well? better not might sleep to well if you know what I mean. I wish Ruth could find a fulfilling job. She studied hard and has worked in her specialist field (film producer) as a producers assistant and made short films. Her Last job took her to a Edinburgh film company, who promised her a active roll. What she got was a generally a desk job not as advertised at all, she was better off in London. She left and came back to Sheffield. This is brill but media work is almost none existence in Sheffield. She has work which pays the bills but not at all what she's looking for. Ruth needs stretching, work that involves good organisation something that's shes very good at.
Pond News We have a beautiful, beautiful Heron that's visiting our pond, in fact he's been twice today. It looks so graceful and surprisingly big, it a shame it eaten my goldfish! and probably other fish as well. What a naughty birdie. I was worried about how many tad poles the goldfish would eat nether thought about it getting eaten. The dilemma is now shall I get another goldfish? I think may be I will the tad-poles will have to take cover. Talking about cover I've put some old plant pots in the bottom of the pond for the fish to hide under until the pond weeds grow back, talk about closing the barn door after the horses fled!
Bless. I miss you all too.
I am sick of working believe me. On the afternoon of the 21st April I will be free. Yay!! Well for a bit anyway.
It's very sweet that Ruth's coming to look after you....and I wouldn't bother with another gold fish, you might as well put it on a plate with some chips as that Heron will be back no doubt!
May is not far away and when this MSc is out of the way we'll be able to visit more!
Thanks Viv. Didn't know you read my blog, might have to be careful what I write, there's a first time for every thing.
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