I've been out to day for the first time in six weeks, not counting a visit to the doctors. We/I need some veg seed for our square foot garden. (Andy made me two raised beds last year so I can grow veg, and has promised to make one more bed this year).
It felt a little strange getting ready for a trip out to the garden centre. We chose one not to far from home, because we didn't want me to get to tired on my first trip out, plus the seeds are just inside the door. We pulled up near the entrance to the garden centre it was not far to walk, but for me I could really feel it. I got most of the seed I needed but couldn't believe they don't sell sugar snap peas whats the world coming to! Made it back to the car my legs felt like jelly. The walk from the car to the front door of our house seemed a long way, my muscles in my legs were not happy. We were out for under an hour most of that traveling, I feel like I've had a full day out. I am shattered.
Ruth came and we have had a nice quite night, watched a film and ate to many chocs and ice-cream.
Hope Andy's enjoying his night out he's gone to see Wishbone Ash a seventies rock band. Seems very strange him staying out for the night at a friends house.
I'm laid in bed trying in vain to get to sleep. The pain in my muscles and joints have other ideas. I think their protesting to me going out. It funny when we were driving home from buying the seeds, I said to Andy I didn't realise how ill I must have been. It occurred to me that even though I am an out side kind of person I nether thought of going any where! My energy is so low that I just didn't think of it. Every thing I do I have to plan from making coffee to having a bath, and I can't bathe without Andy being close to hand. At least I now can wash my own hair and get out of the bath by myself most of the time using my stick for balance. such progress!
Well done for going out Mum. Who knows where you can go next time! Not so long ago you managed to get up to Edinburgh, it'll not be long before you can make some very impressive trips out again I'm sure.
Yes you are right, but it does seem a long way off.
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