It's 2:30am. just woke from my second nightmare, that and the pain down my arm is keeping me awake.
Its my Mums 85th birthday today! I would have normally made her a cake but again this year I can't, the best I can make her is a cup of coffee, I wonder if a candle will float? Janet my Sister has cooked a ham, can you have a birthday ham, and if so will it hold 85 candles?
Janet and Mike, (Mike's my bro-in-law) came down from New Castle yesterday, Mum's going up for a couple of weeks on Sunday.
It was good seeing Janet I wish I could have spend more time with her. We get on well and have a laugh, but I get so tied when I talk for any length of time.
Jane and the children are coming down today, while my Andy and Andy, Jane's husband do a few jobs at Jane's. (Their getting their house ready to put up for sale). Plus Jane wants to see her Gran on her birthday. All these activities around me will take its toll on me, but worth it.
I have spent a some of time over the last two days bulling Andy, getting him to sort out a second hand laptop, and help me to put mahjong and card games on it ready for my Mums birthday. Hope she likes it. Unfortunately I can't work out how to get a mouse to work along side it. Which Mum needs, as she has a shaky hands and can't use a touch pad. We will have to work on it when she comes back from New Castle.
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