3;45am I'm fed up and pist off with nightmares. 4-5 nights out of seven are spatted with nightmares and sometimes 3-4 a night, at the moment quite a few are worm related. I hate worms and at one time I had a complete worm phobia. I couldn't;t even say the the word worm, at best they were referred to as them things usually shuddering. It has been known in the past for me to go in to hysterics at the sight of them. When my nephew Ray was little he thought it was hilarious to bring in a worm from the garden for Auntie Lynda. On a couple of occasions I ran up stairs and locked my self in the bathroom, and passed out behind the door in terror. I've had to be piggy backed back from the pub before now, when it rained and the worms were on the path. I can remember not long after I had met Andy we had been to a club, (luckily for Andy not far from where he lived) it had been raining and the ground was covered in worms. The poor man didn't know what he was letting him self in for. He had to carry me up a steep hill to his flat, while I panicked.
Our grand son Finlay loves digging in our garden for wriggly worms! with his grandad, luckily he hasn't yet shared his enthusiasm with me. It has taken me years to be able to say the word worm and to be able to see one with out having dickey fits.
I just remembered, when Vivyan was little, I had walked up the garden and was looking at some flowers when a worm crawled over my foot! I screamed ran in and put my foot under the hot water tap. I burnt my foot under the red hot water as it ran over my foot, trying to get rid of the wormy feeling. I only stopped because it was time to fetch Vivyan from school. I walked sobbing like a fool all the way to school a good mile away. Having got to school all blotchy and still sobbing, the other mums tried to find out what was wrong, the only thing I could get out was tell you tomorrow. They must have though something bad had happened to Andy. Luckily my old neighbor and worm remover Lynn was there collecting her son Ian. She took one luck at me and said "is it them things again", to which I just nodded. She was then able to put the other Mums minds a rest, and nip in the bud Andy's demise.
Hopefully I can nip in the bud this trend of nightmares before my phobia comes back! and go back to my normal night terrors, whats normal about having so many bad dream I don't know, but again Ive nether been all together normal any way!
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