My 3am post. I'm laid here hot water bottle under my shoulder trying to ease some pain. Thinking of good things.
Yesterday, Monday Vivyan had her last exam thank god. It's been hard on her but she has done incredibly well. She suffers far to badly with migraines, especially when under stress. So needless to say she's had quite a few of late. The doctors have given her some low dose beta blockers to help to control this, I not heard of this before a trip to the web is in order. See ya soon.
I'm back just read about beta blockers and migraines. Apparently they don't know why beta blockers work for migraines but it does. people who suffer with high blood pressure are given beta blockers as we know. people who have blood pressure and migraines are found to have less or no migraines after taking beta blockers. That's brill! I also read that people who have Asama should not take beta blockers. Vivyan has Asama I will mention this next time we talk, I need to no that her doctor has taken this in consideration, I'm sure they have but better to be safe.
Any way she nearly done the masters, roll on the PhD. Dr Viv at your service. Well done my little darling.
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