Sat watching coast (a TV program about the coast of the British Isles)with Andy tonight. It made us quite sad, not the program its self but how much we used to enjoy and value our long walks in the country and around the coast. Through my illness we not done much walking in the last ten- fifteen years. Over the last three years or so we haven't done any. I keep fooling myself into thinking may be in a few weeks when I'm feeling stronger, we will. I really know there's little chance of me ever walking very far. The top of the garden is as far as I can manage at the moment and that tires me!
Its great to sit the night before going out for a good long walk, looking at maps, drinks in hand, deciding where to go. Next morning early rug sack packed with water profs, packed lunch and other essentials. You arrive at your chosen spot energised and full of anticipation, boots on and off you go. I love walking in the Peak District best of all we can get there within a hour at most. The country side fills your soul with it beauty, its so ore inspiring. There's so much to see and every season brings its own glory.
This as made me think of years ago. We were a part of a group of people interested in natural history and we all meet in the Peak District in early March. The program for the day was to make a line across a mapped out area and walk across the Moors counting Hears. It had been snowing for a few days and the moors where covered in a thick blanket of snow. In some places it was as high as the styles that when over the stone walls around five feet deep! This didn't stop us, hare counting we came out for and hare counting we were going to do. A full day spent counting the elusive mountain hare, total count one! Wet very cold but happy we had a brilliant day despite only finding one hare. Some of our best memories have been on winter walks on the Moors.
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