Pond News Andy cleaned out the pond yesterday. The weather forecast was good cool but sunny. Wrapped up warm I took up position, sat in my directors chair or interfering chair some might say. bucket after bucket of water was placed in holding tubs. Carefully separating the wild life into the ready and waiting tubs. As Andy pulled out Colin the Grass Carp what a beauty around 9" long, he put him in the holding tub with some weed to keep him carm and then he seemed to disappear. how can a 9" fish disappear in a tub about one and a half square feet, he must have found his elven cloak!
We have 7 Rudd come Perch all around 5" long, 1 very fat gold fish and to many sticklebacks to many to count obviously breeding well. We knew there were a few frogs in the pond may be six at the most so we thought. Wrong as Andy got to the pond bottom hiding from detection in the mud were 29 fogies we couldn't believe it. We also couldn't believe how well every thing was doing in such a small pond only around 150 gallon in size. Before Andy put the water back in the pond we decided we should put the seven Rudd/Perch back from were we originally got them from, it would be best for them. When almost done pond half full(can't fill up with to much tap water it would harm the fish) We put the seven fish back in the pond we would miss looking for them plus they've done well up to now, we will asses them next time. All that needs doing now is to replace some of the old water plants and add more water over the next week or two.
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