I thought yesterday that I would sleep well, wrong again. Just before I went to bet my head felt like someone had played a game of cricket with it. But on the bright side feels a lot better now.
As I stumbled out of bed this morning ( I literally did I have balance problems ). I saw one of the cuddly toys had fallen of the top of a book shelf. It was a clanger that makes a clanger type noise, you have to know what a clanger is to understand. Any-ho
I picked it up and of course pressed its tum to listen to its noise which when pressed 'translated' says "o no the bloody doors stuck again" a bit random but it fits some how. I pressed and a whirring of worn out batteries met my ears what sorrow!
What next would the soup dragon soon follow suit? What! life will not be the same without the random pressing of the soup dragon as well.
To get over the shock of voiceless clanger I sat on the bed, then started to smile. how happy my middle daughter Jane was when she brought the toy in for me, knowing how much I used to like the clangers when they where on Tv. Later she added the soup dragon to my collection.
This brought about a memory when my girls (Viv, Jane & Ruth)were quite small, I was quite ill in bed and unable to look after myself. (Andy my wonderful husband had to run the house, go to work and look after me). It was on mothers day with their spending money brought me a cuddly toy to cheer me up, it was a vulture!! Which made me and my husband laugh so much it brought tears to my eyes, especially as the girls didn't realise what the stuffed bird was and how some people may be unamused by it. I on the other hand love it, it still has pride of place on the bed head looking down on me, waiting its turn!
I had my walk up the garden path today and yes two male frogs waiting for the lady frogs to arrive for a little froggy love in.
I wish my garden was bigger I could put a large shed or had some kind of out building. I am felling a little restless (which I supposes is good)about my studio space. If I had room in my garden I would be able to have a studio there in stead of one 7 miles away that's closed, not as I am fit enough to drive there any way. But it would be good to have a studio close to home perhaps in the village? but I think we have looked every where around us, shame.
Its hard for us all when illness tries to hold you back. I am very lucky in one sense. Yes I am in a lot of pain most of the time, and some times when I'm Having a flare up of my illnesses, (I have more than one). I have no energy, balance, double vision and yes the pain which gets very bad. I have a very loving family that if I let them would wrap me up in cotton wool. Andy my teas maid and bottle washer is wonderful, It brings a tear to my eyes thinking how good he's been and how good he is for me. Andy is a very caring person he works at home not only as my carer when I'm ill, but as a successful life coach. This is very helpful when you need help with your life's challengers and helps to make meaningful changes to it. Thank you darling.
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