Jane came today with our two grandchildren Finlay just two and Amber ten weeks.
It really hurts that I can't play properly with Finlay he came to show me his cars and gives me hugs and kisses which is wonderful. But I am feeling selfish I want to get on the floor and play cars, I'd like to take him out to the pond and look for frogs sometimes as well as Andy. Go for a walk to see the horses, dig in the garden with him and look for bugs, just do something besides looking at what he's got to show me, Its just not enough!
I know I'm very slowly getting stronger, and perhaps in a few weeks will be able to do more, but today I'm feeling sorry for my self. I shouldn't it was great seeing them all, especially holding Amber. Amber such a happy little thing, she laughs just like her brother, so big it looks like their faces could slit in half, totally wonderful.
Shes at the stage where she looks at you when you talk to her, laughs and makes the most adorable baby coos and babble noises, I bet she tells a wonderful story if only we knew of what.
I held amber until she fell asleep. What joy there is in a sleeping baby, just watching their little faces so at peace, so trusting. I could cuddle her for hours and just watch her sleep. I love them so much I think sometimes my heart might bust.
It was the same when Vivyan, Jane and Ruth were little they looked just like angels while asleep anyway. How time flies!
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