Its 2:30 am I've just woke up from yet another nightmare.
My legs are like jelly I'm clammy all over I think my heart is going to bust through my chest, my chest is slightly tight and hurts. I'm fed up. I really thought to night was definitely the night for sleep glorious uninterrupted sleep.
Since I was rushed into hospital nearly three weeks ago with violent headache and vomiting, I've been having regular nightmares nearly every night some night more than one. Also my feet feel like there wet, covered in warm soapy water. All very strange.
I do have like most people the odd bad dream. But These dreams are so real. I am mostly being chased to be killed or tortured and then killed or chased to be raped thankfully without success.
Tonight I was in hospital and the doctors wanted my body, dead body that is.
Like in all good nightmares the chase was on, lots of ally ways, stairs and high places. I don't like heights especially when dangling from flimsy poles or half staircases, with large needles my pursuers were successfully poking into me to make me drop. Slowly as I lost my grip as the drugs in the needles started to take effect, I tumble from one prop to another. Thankfully I awoke before I hit the bottom. In a bit of a state it took me a few minutes to calm my self down. Looking on the bright side, the good thing is tonight I felt well enough to go down stairs to make my self a warm milky drink.
I will get that peaceful nights sleep may be tomorrow?
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