I'm still feeling weak legged after my sudden head pain on Tuesday, it just came out of the blue. I was talking to Andy when a sudden pain stuck the back of my head, followed a split second later at the front. I couldn't focus my eyes and they seemed to go in different directions. The Arnold Chiari strikes again. I was supposed to go to be going to the pain clinic, but ironically my head pain was to bad to go.
Later on Tuesday I found out my studio has been broken into, Andy's waiting for the council to get back to him, so he can check on the damage. As far as we know the youths who kicked my door down haven't damaged any of the paintings, but have redesigned my walls. We have yet to see if any of my tools have gone missing, we know they have squeezed out my oil paint tubes. I think we need to find some were safe to store my art work for the time being.
Do you need a Chiari specialist?
Hi Chiari Mama,
I take it by your blog name you have had dealings with Arnold Chiari.
I was first diagnosed with Arnold Chiari around 13 years ago. It was almost unknown at that point, and I was one of the first to have the operation for it in Britain. When I first was diagnosed there were know specialists in Sheffield where I live and I don't know if there was any then in Britain. I was rushed in to hospital after having a violent head ache on New Years Eve (13 years ago) and had my op early the next morning. To get to your question, Yes I do and have had lots of specialists. At one time I couldn't visit the hospital without having a crowed of neurologist around me, even when I went for a back check up ( I have two slipped discs) there were doctors asking question about the Chiari.
I still have a lot of problems with the condition, through violent head pains which cause vomiting. The last me I had it really bad was last February. I past out through the pain and was rushed in hospital by the paramedics. ten days later came home, I am still very weak and find it difficult to even talk to people with out getting over tied. physically can only stand for a couple of minutes, if I want to go out I know have to rely on a wheel chair, which some one has to push because I don't have the strength. I will however get stronger and more independent, until next time. Please under stand my case is quite unusual, I have Chiari 1 and part 2, that meant I had to have a lot of bone taken away from the top of my spine and the back of my skull. The surgery has come on a lot in the last thirteen years, and most people with Chiari have a full recovery. As my doctor said only a couple of weeks ago " I had pioneering surgery, if you had not had the op you would be paralyzed from the neck down or worse). So I am lucky.
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