Our bank holiday weekend started on Friday 2nd of May. Friday as usual Jane came with Finlay and Amber. Amber was unwell to say the least. She was in a lot of pain and could not feed very well, and seemed to find it painful when she was picked up, bless her. Jane rang and made a emergency appointment with the doctor who said Amber had a nasty virus. Poor Jane and Amber has had a horrible weekend but thankfully Amber is feeling a lot better today (Wednesday). Later on Friday night Vivyan and John came down from Edinburgh It was lovely seeing them, I have mist Vivyan. They stayed over night and went to see friends Saturday until Sunday.
Saturday tea time we had a visit from uncle David, (He's not really my Uncle He's my Dads cousin).David was very upset because BT (British Telecom) had cut of his phone for no apparent reason. Because he is very deaf he couldn't ring BT on a ordinary pay phone, so he could not find out what was wrong. So 80 year old David came to us for help. To cut a very very long story short. He was cut of last Tuesday 29th April, his neighbour rang BT to ask why, and when he could be reconnected, BT promised to reconnect David on Thursday when that failed, again for Saturday. That brings him to us on Saturday tea time. Any way BT said he would be connected by Tuesday at the latest. Wrong, we had another visit Tuesday tea time, his phone was still cut off. By this time he had got the hole situation out of perspective. He was in a very black mood in deed, he talk about suicide if his phone wasn't put back on soon, A bit dramatic one would think, but he feels very vulnerable with out communication, mainly his computer and of course the telephone for emergencies. Andy managed to calm him down, which wasn't easy. To day he back on line and a lot happier thank god, or should I say thank Andy has it was him who put a lot of time and effort in to it.
Moving back to Sunday Jane came down with the children she looked tired but then she would as Amber was still quite poorly, and Jane was having to coupe with it all because Andy her husband was out of the country. At least she manage a hours sleep while she was here. Later Vivyan and John came back. Monday was a lovely day, we had a lazy start to the day, the weather was quite hot and sunny, we had our lunch out side. Andy had made fresh chick pea bread and humus, we had Bree, olives, butter for the bread of course, cherry toms all washed down with a child bottle of rose`wine. Good conversation and good food always make a perfect lunch. after lunch Andy, Vivyan and John played boules, while I took the scores. A good time was had by all. Vivyan was very happy as she had beat the men over all, and did her victory dance, of course!
I did think a lot about Ruth this weekend, she was in Cornwall being fitted for a bridesmaid dress for a friends wedding, which is nice, but being selfish it would have been good to have them all together.
I can't believe how much was happening around me over the last weekend and I've come out of it tiered but not too bad at all, this is promising. It must be helpful that I am getting a better nights sleep, I've not managed another six hours yet though.
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