I have been reading Andy's book again, he wrote it a few years ago and is still waiting to be published, I really wish he'd make time to look through it again and send it off to some publishers. It's a very compelling book it only took me a couple of day to read it I just couldn't put it down. What surprised me was while reading it I forgot Andy had wrote it, that's got to show its worth.
Set in the last recession Hugh and Erica are back on the council estate were they started from, after moving slowly up the property ladder to a house where they thought they be comfortable for the rest of their lives. Hugh had lost his job during the recession, after some time out of work he found a menial job at a recycling plant. While Erica worked at a clothing factory. Their lives and the lives of their two sons, friends and collagues, have a mixture of love, lust, loyalty, sadness and hope. While running along side Hugh's fascination of a piece of waste ground near his work. I love the way he captures the power and life with in that small but significant area of ground. I wish I was more able to rite a review of this book. You will just have to wait until he finally gets it published, and judge it for your selves. Unfortunately it still needs a title, the working title is Whistling Hendrix a very good title but doesn't really fit it.
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