I think I might have got rid of my recurring nightmares. Since my last relapse in February I have been having the most horrible nightmares three or four times a week, and up to seven a night. The dreams were trying to convince me that I was of no use just a hindrance to my family. They brought in family and friends long gone, or unrecognizable ghostly figures pulling me away from my sleeping body. The voices seem to stay with me for a while after waking, so vivid was the dreams.
My last nightmare was around a week ago, until then they never went more than two nights apart. The last bad dream started as usual reminding me of my lack of strength and ability to converse with people for any length of time, and how Andy and my girls would be much better of without me. Andy could get on with life with out me dragging him down and holding him back. Half way through the dream I stood up instead of cowering away and said, Stop! that's not true!. I woke shacking but I felt like a great weight had been lifted. Each night I'm still a little apprehensive about going to sleep but this is getting less and less, and know find my self having normal dreams again (well as normal has dreams can be).
((HUG)) I'm glad the dreams are returning to normal :). You just perfectly illustrated how you can heal yourself by getting into your dreams, literally and controlling them to re-empower yourself.
Hi Gaina,
Thank you for the hug.
I have manage many a time to take control over my dreams and move them on into a different direction. These drams were so powerful it took me a long time to have the power to stand against them. Up to now they haven't returned, thank goodness.
I'm glad they've gone. Do you have a dream catcher? Hanging one of those above your bed or in your bedroom window is a very good idea :)
No I don't, may be I should do you have one? and do you think they work?
For me personally, yes I find they work. The very best thing is to make your own, as small or big as you want (I bought mine) then you can meditate on all the lovely dreams and good sleep you wish to have and put that energy into the object while you make it.
I have made them in the past in a sculpture work shop I ran at the sculpture park, may be I should have made my self one?
Yes, go on! Make yourself a new dream catcher then blog the results :D
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