One of my painting before it was redecorated.
Beginnings 2007 Oil on Canvas 60"x60"
If you have read some of my earlier posts you will know my studio has been closed up for over eight months. Recently it has been broken into, and Andy has taken me there to assess any damage or loss. We were told today the studio has been broken in to three times in the last couple of months, frustrating that we have only just been aloud access in to it. Children or youths were to blame at first, but it seems pretty clear adults are to blame. A number of my painting have been stolen, I should see it as flattering, But don't like the thought of Bill the Burglar having my paintings on his wall.
To make it look like children had been in they splattered purple paint at five or six of my painting coursing a some damage. Kids would have used a lot of different colour paints and probably straight from the tube. The paint was squeezed out on a table then thrown at the paintings. A prepared canvas had been sprayed painted on and one other painting, but in a half hearted and very casual way.
They stole some power tools, my CD player and a couple of unused canvases still in their packaging. One of my easels was damage while being used as a battering ram to try and get into the other studios.
All this make me feel that if children had been in they're would have compleatly trashed the place. All that paint in tins and tubes would have been so much fun in a empty building with no one to stop them.
The council representative (its a council owned building) said the police were not at all interested in the break in, nothing unusual there then. We have taken some of my paintings home and hope to collect some more soon, who knows where we are going to put them all. As for insurance I don't think I'm covered with the council.
The most upsetting thing for me is not what they have taken it's the vandalism of my work.
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