Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Hot Flushes a Woman Thing.

I'm getting hot flushes, I hate it. It started a couple of weeks ago. I feel like a sweaty lump. I'm not taking it well at all, I'm not used to sweating. Even when I used to do keep fit and play squash I only ever had sweat on my head and sometimes neck. In the summer if it gets hot I tend to close down, my body just can't cope with the heat, and I end up with a very bad head ache. I learned if I wet my hair down or had a cool bath that would help, I suppose its like artificial sweat.
I've been looking on the web and they're lots of herbs and other concoction you can take for hot flushes. I think I will try the sage route. So we are off to the garden centre this week to buy a red sage plant, so I can make a sage tea. I will report back if it works.


Gaina said...

My mum took Phytoeostrogen and Plantain extracts (all natural from plant sources) because she didn't like the idea of HRT and it worked well for her.

If you got to and type 'menopause' in the search box you'll find lots of useful links.

just between you and me said...

Thank you Gaina, I will look it up.