We had Finlay on Sunday, while his mum and dad went to a wedding. What a treasure he was as good as gold. We put a child's gazebo up for him with his road carpet so he could play with his cars, he was very excited by it and said it was a den. he spent most of the morning in there playing.
Andy who had been playing golf came in just after Finlay arrived. My Mum came up to help with Finlay until Andy got home, as my health not quite good enough to be left for long in case I tire my self out playing with him. As usually Sunday morning means bacon or sausage buttie, you can't hide your working class roots, and I don't want to any way. On hearing his grandad say, "any one for a bacon sandwich", Fin got straight in his little garden chair ready for a sandwich that boy can eat. he's only just two but what an appetite.
Around twelve Andy went to pick his Mum up from the railway station as she had come to Sheffield to stay with her sister for the week, but was staying with us for the night. It's always interesting having the two Mums together.
Andy had just left when Finlay decided it was lunch time. He said Mom-mar Fish finger beans please, he's so cute. after lunch he rubbed his eyes and said nap, so off to bed he went, for two and a half hours! I joined him for most of that time.
The afternoon was magical. The garden looked like a kinder garden toys every where.
My mum had gone home for a couple of hours for a rest from competing with Sylvia (Andy's Mum). It was lovely to see Sylvia enjoying watching Finlay play has she sees very little of him, as she lives on the east coast.
The peseta resistance for Fin was when Andy put out the
Paddling pool! he loves water. After helping his grandad to fill the pool they
both got in a splishy, sploshy time was had with exceptional amounts of splashing with their legs. I was quite envious but really enjoyed watching them with Sylvia, I took lots of photos.
the day was topped of with a lovely paella Andy cooked, my Mum came back up, and Ruth came and stayed over night.
Jane, Andy A and of course little Amber came to pick Finlay up, and manage to stay for a hour or so. A wonderful end to a lovely day.