We have been trying to see my Uncle Eric and Auntie Lily for the past 3-4 years. Finally we managed to get up to North Yorkshire to see them.
Uncle Eric is in his eighties, what a change since we saw him last. He has gone from a fit and active man, to someone who is fragile in body and mind. He seems to forget the most basic of things, we were getting seated for lunch and he seemed to forget how to sit, we had to tell him to bend his knees. It must be very confusing for him, plus it must be incredibly hard for my Auntie. How do you cope when the person you love is going through a confusing hell?
She looked tired but said she was very pleased to see us, and wished we lived closer. I said I wouldn't be much help, she said we always cheer her up. Having said that, she also said her dog cheers her up as well, when it cocks its head to one side as much to say whats up with you? We will try and get up to see them again very soon.
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