That's it, empty, all gone, what now?
Will it reopen we don't know, mean while my sculptures and some paintings are in storage in Alford. As for the rest they're in the spare bed room waiting to be logged and photographed, then put up on a website.
It was quite sad saying good bye to the other artists in the studios, we said we keep in touch, but shall we who knows. Most have got new spaces else where, I am waiting to see what comes up. The council seems to be saying we should be back in in 18 months, whether we do is another matter.
For my self now I'm out it would make sense to try and find some where nearer home, because of my health challenges.
More stuff has gone missing since my last visit to the studio. A inside job is looking favorite at the moment for the latest things. I have only lost a gallon of PVA glue and a canvas stretcher this time, but other artists have lost stuff as well. A artist put a chair in the passage to take to his car went back in his room for a couple of minuets and his chair had disappeared.
One artist was filling a van with what ever she could, stuff that other artist had to get back off her. This leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, I thought every one in there could be trusted.
At the moment I feel a little lost, the studio was where I was just an artist. It was where I could immerse my self in my art, and leave any worries or duties behind. But as funny as it my seem I think something good will come out of it.
So here's to the future and what ever it brings