Do you ever have an itch that just won't be scratched?
Many a night I have a itch on my back that itches with an intensity that would drive you mad if it wasn't scratched straight away. Of course the itch is just out of reach and I have to ask Andy to scratch it. Andy seems to takes his time and some times I sure on purpose, pretending not to know where the itch is.
I could do with some kind of grid tattooed on my back, so I can say go straight to G5 and when it move I can give more direction A7-F2-B9 and so on.
But what makes the itching sensation and why does the itch move? I have had a look on the web all that I can find is a skin irritation eg: allergy, rash, lose skin extra will cause the itch, well nothing we don't already know.
This still hasn't answered my question, why a itch moves. So if any one has a idea I would be intrsted to know.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Viv' & John's wedding day

Vivyan our eldest daughter was married last Saturday.It was wonderful to see her and her new husband look so happy. They had four gorgeous bridesmaids, Jane and Ruth our other two daughters, Rachel Johns sister and Viv's best friend Cat from Uni. Vivyan looked so beautiful I know I'm bias being her mother but she filled the room with her stunning yet understated dress and a smile that said how much see was enjoying every moment. The love between her and john was plain to see, and really pulled at your heart stings.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
A run out in the peaks.
We had a run out into the Peak District to look at the autumn colours.
But the colours looked at me.
My Mum-in-law (Sylvia)came to stay for the weekend, and we thought it might be nice to go out and see the beautiful colours of the trees and nowhere better than the Peak District with its wild hills and crags.
The day started with us taking Sylvia and my Mum to Ruth's house for lunch. Then we all piled into our car for the countryside. We were spellbound by the beautiful scenery and the autumn colour was spectacular. On our way back we stopped for a drink in a lovely pub who sold real ale. Shame it was so far from home I think we could have stayed for a beer session.
As we came out and walked through the car park I had one of my sudden headaches. These headaches are I think caused through the Arnold Chiari, and come on with out any warning.
We hadn't gone far when Andy thought we had gone past our turning and gone the wrong way.
I said: there's a lay-by there, may be you can turn around in it?
Andy: Oh that's good. ( he pulls into what seemed a perfectly ok pull-in. Bang!.
The car had found a big pot hole that had been filled with water and covered with leaves. I got out of the car).
Me: we found a pot hole, I said feeling the worst from my head ache.
Andy:: I hope its not done too much damage? Can we get out?
Me: Yes. (I was going on to say . If you turn your wheel far right and that should do it. But let me move out of the way first. You guessed it, he didn't hear a word of that. The car wheels spun and scooped up large quantities of wet slimy, but not too smelly mud.
I was covered from head to foot. On the bright side Andy got out of the pot-hole).
Andy, got out of the car.
Me: thinking he's coming to see if I'm ok .
Andy said: are we out? (looking down at the car wheel).
Me, covered in mud: Yes darling we are out, how about giving me a little kiss.
Andy, Looking up at me trying not to laugh too much: Oh sorry darling.( whipping the mud away from my mouth and giving me a kiss).
Me: I told you not to move straight away.
Andy: I never heard you.
The back of the car My Mum, Sylvia and Ruth thought it was very funny. Mum passed me a little handkerchief, a lot of use that was. It was just like what you would see in a old Laurel and Hardy sketch. Where Hardy would clear his eyes with his fingers then flick the mud to the floor. It was funny though and the mud did cool my head a little. Around twenty miles later we were home and the mud had started to dry and flake off as I walk down the path to the house. As I stripped off in the kitchen, I couldn't believe that the mud had found it's way right down into my bra and some was even on my belly, nice!
But the colours looked at me.
My Mum-in-law (Sylvia)came to stay for the weekend, and we thought it might be nice to go out and see the beautiful colours of the trees and nowhere better than the Peak District with its wild hills and crags.
The day started with us taking Sylvia and my Mum to Ruth's house for lunch. Then we all piled into our car for the countryside. We were spellbound by the beautiful scenery and the autumn colour was spectacular. On our way back we stopped for a drink in a lovely pub who sold real ale. Shame it was so far from home I think we could have stayed for a beer session.
As we came out and walked through the car park I had one of my sudden headaches. These headaches are I think caused through the Arnold Chiari, and come on with out any warning.
We hadn't gone far when Andy thought we had gone past our turning and gone the wrong way.
I said: there's a lay-by there, may be you can turn around in it?
Andy: Oh that's good. ( he pulls into what seemed a perfectly ok pull-in. Bang!.
The car had found a big pot hole that had been filled with water and covered with leaves. I got out of the car).
Me: we found a pot hole, I said feeling the worst from my head ache.
Andy:: I hope its not done too much damage? Can we get out?
Me: Yes. (I was going on to say . If you turn your wheel far right and that should do it. But let me move out of the way first. You guessed it, he didn't hear a word of that. The car wheels spun and scooped up large quantities of wet slimy, but not too smelly mud.
I was covered from head to foot. On the bright side Andy got out of the pot-hole).
Andy, got out of the car.
Me: thinking he's coming to see if I'm ok .
Andy said: are we out? (looking down at the car wheel).
Me, covered in mud: Yes darling we are out, how about giving me a little kiss.
Andy, Looking up at me trying not to laugh too much: Oh sorry darling.( whipping the mud away from my mouth and giving me a kiss).
Me: I told you not to move straight away.
Andy: I never heard you.
The back of the car My Mum, Sylvia and Ruth thought it was very funny. Mum passed me a little handkerchief, a lot of use that was. It was just like what you would see in a old Laurel and Hardy sketch. Where Hardy would clear his eyes with his fingers then flick the mud to the floor. It was funny though and the mud did cool my head a little. Around twenty miles later we were home and the mud had started to dry and flake off as I walk down the path to the house. As I stripped off in the kitchen, I couldn't believe that the mud had found it's way right down into my bra and some was even on my belly, nice!
Friday, 7 November 2008
The same as a bin lorry.
Our grand children have been down today. Finlay (two and a half) the oldest was sat on my knee, we were just talking about stuff. When I thought this is an opportunity to find out what to get him for Christmas.
My mum has bought him a big bin lorry for Christmas and I know he will love it. Andy and my self have seen a big fire engine and a helicopter, we were not sure which to get.
Me: Which do you like best, a helicopter or a fire engine?
Finlay: Fire engine.
Me: Which do you like most, a fire engine or a bin lorry?
Finlay: bin lorry.
Me: What do you like the most a bin lorry or Grammar?
Finlay: (without to much hesitation) Bin lorry.
Me: Which do you love the most, a bin lorry or Grandad?
Finlay: (after much thought he came to his conclusion) The same.
It's nice to where we stand, it serves me right for asking. At least we know what to buy him, unless we get a digger!.
My mum has bought him a big bin lorry for Christmas and I know he will love it. Andy and my self have seen a big fire engine and a helicopter, we were not sure which to get.
Me: Which do you like best, a helicopter or a fire engine?
Finlay: Fire engine.
Me: Which do you like most, a fire engine or a bin lorry?
Finlay: bin lorry.
Me: What do you like the most a bin lorry or Grammar?
Finlay: (without to much hesitation) Bin lorry.
Me: Which do you love the most, a bin lorry or Grandad?
Finlay: (after much thought he came to his conclusion) The same.
It's nice to where we stand, it serves me right for asking. At least we know what to buy him, unless we get a digger!.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
The plumber's testicles!
I was laid in bed this morning doing a sudoku puzzle when a knock came to the door. It was the plumber, he had come to fix our shower. We had a shower fitted about a month ago and it stopped working last weekend.
Here comes a rant. Why o why when you buy something new do you either have to take it back because its faulty or there's something missing? in this case it worked for a few weeks then the b**!!%^&* stopped working. In the last couple of weeks we have bought a, no correction, two free standing draws for the bathroom. First set from the vastly going down the hill Argos. A two draw set with rattan draws, the cabinet would have fallen over if you sneezed any where near it, the rattan draws were plastic, the wood part of the cabinet was covered in scratches and it smelt wicked! The second set from Wilkinson's much better made from split bamboo in a wooden frame and ready assembled, But once again had a broken draw had to go back to be replaced. We bought new curtains for the hall and landing (isn't landing a odd word for the top of the stairs? I suppose you could say you have landed on top of the stairs after walking up, but landing imply you have flown up and landed on. But what should it be called? a got there? on the finish? upstairs hall, who knows). Back to the curtains, they had a tie back missing. lastly a wooden jigsaw for the grandchildren, we put it together to check it, not because we are big kids, yeah right! it had a piece broken and the edges were tatty on a couple of bits aaaaaaaaaaaar and grrrrrrrrrr.
Back to the plumber, who seemed very nice and chatty. It was so funny listening to Andy and him talk to each other. Golf came up and " I haven't played well this year me neither, last year I got a 8? me too. then came Plumber: I got an hernia. Andy: how long have you had that, I bet it's painful. Plumber: Yeah it is. About a month, they treat me for wind at first and gave me Gaviscon, then I went back to the doctor's and said it getting worse. He then went on to describe the conversation between him and the doctor. Plumber to Andy: it hurts all around here, and right down to my tes-tic-ules, he said testicles in a very clear and comically correct, except for a pronounced 'u'. At this point Andy was worried he was going to show him where it hurt. It sound bad but I had all on not to laugh out loud. And no one should laugh at a mans painful 'tes-tic-ules'.
Here comes a rant. Why o why when you buy something new do you either have to take it back because its faulty or there's something missing? in this case it worked for a few weeks then the b**!!%^&* stopped working. In the last couple of weeks we have bought a, no correction, two free standing draws for the bathroom. First set from the vastly going down the hill Argos. A two draw set with rattan draws, the cabinet would have fallen over if you sneezed any where near it, the rattan draws were plastic, the wood part of the cabinet was covered in scratches and it smelt wicked! The second set from Wilkinson's much better made from split bamboo in a wooden frame and ready assembled, But once again had a broken draw had to go back to be replaced. We bought new curtains for the hall and landing (isn't landing a odd word for the top of the stairs? I suppose you could say you have landed on top of the stairs after walking up, but landing imply you have flown up and landed on. But what should it be called? a got there? on the finish? upstairs hall, who knows). Back to the curtains, they had a tie back missing. lastly a wooden jigsaw for the grandchildren, we put it together to check it, not because we are big kids, yeah right! it had a piece broken and the edges were tatty on a couple of bits aaaaaaaaaaaar and grrrrrrrrrr.
Back to the plumber, who seemed very nice and chatty. It was so funny listening to Andy and him talk to each other. Golf came up and " I haven't played well this year me neither, last year I got a 8? me too. then came Plumber: I got an hernia. Andy: how long have you had that, I bet it's painful. Plumber: Yeah it is. About a month, they treat me for wind at first and gave me Gaviscon, then I went back to the doctor's and said it getting worse. He then went on to describe the conversation between him and the doctor. Plumber to Andy: it hurts all around here, and right down to my tes-tic-ules, he said testicles in a very clear and comically correct, except for a pronounced 'u'. At this point Andy was worried he was going to show him where it hurt. It sound bad but I had all on not to laugh out loud. And no one should laugh at a mans painful 'tes-tic-ules'.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
the price of porridge
As you know I had a relapse back in February and I haven't been able to go to the supermarket shopping since until a few days ago.
Andy went to do the half weekly shop and I tagged along. I needed shampoo, hair dye and body moisturizer, Andy would get it for me but I wanted the right stuff. No disrespect to Andy, but it can be a mine field for women buying this stuff.
I didn't want to go in the wheel chair so I walked some of the way around, as it would have been to far to much for me to go all the way. But what an eye opener, every thing seems to have doubled in price. When we got to the porridge I couldn't find the home brand I have at 35p a bag, it was there but in different packaging and now 69p that's a 100% raise! and it didn't stop there every thing has gone up at least 50%, how in just eight months? Andy must have got fed up with me saying look at the price of that, how much!
Something else, all these so called half price deals, the supermarket doubles the price on the items then halves it and then promotes it as half price! how stupid do they think we are? I think I should stay at home, or go on TV as one of the grumpy old women, and get payed for it, perhaps then I can afford the porridge.
Andy went to do the half weekly shop and I tagged along. I needed shampoo, hair dye and body moisturizer, Andy would get it for me but I wanted the right stuff. No disrespect to Andy, but it can be a mine field for women buying this stuff.
I didn't want to go in the wheel chair so I walked some of the way around, as it would have been to far to much for me to go all the way. But what an eye opener, every thing seems to have doubled in price. When we got to the porridge I couldn't find the home brand I have at 35p a bag, it was there but in different packaging and now 69p that's a 100% raise! and it didn't stop there every thing has gone up at least 50%, how in just eight months? Andy must have got fed up with me saying look at the price of that, how much!
Something else, all these so called half price deals, the supermarket doubles the price on the items then halves it and then promotes it as half price! how stupid do they think we are? I think I should stay at home, or go on TV as one of the grumpy old women, and get payed for it, perhaps then I can afford the porridge.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Max the demented cat.
Max on a good day.
Cats can develop dementia when they get older. Both our cats are showing signs, but Max is really losing it. He's always had some problems reaching back to when he was a kitten, he had cat flu and meningitis, this left him with 'learning difficulties'. He's never caught a bird, his idea of stalking is to bounce up the garden like tigger out of winnie the pooh, and looks surprised when they fly off. He's even been known to run down the garden path wetting him self when a black bird has chased him, what a woos!
Over the last couple of years he has started needing nursing more, which is good. But on the other hand he has started for no reason to bite me, which isn't so good.
He sprays up and down the garden even the pond gets it. This behavior he has brought into the house luckily not as much, Andy's computer screen and in the hall are his favorit places,'nice'.
This the cat does apparently because they forget where they are and how to get back home, and the sent trail helps them to find their way back. (Wicked thought, may be next time he goes out I could have the garden disinfected and he might not find his way back, bad lynda bad, bad girl).
You dare not go up to him to give him a stroke in case he scratches you. I recently had a scratch from him that left a large cut in the palm of my hand. He was sat on a chair looking more out of it than usual, (he always looks like the only thing going through his head is white noise)I gave him a gentle stroke he spun upside down in terror and attacked me.
He comes in through the cat flap in the night and meows until you shout down and say its alright Max, he just needs reassuring then he settles. That is except one night he was too upset and I had to go down stairs to calm him. He was more affectionate tan usual, he was obviously pleased to see me. He settled after lots of love then made sure I didn't disappear from him by marking me. Great! nothing like a shower at 2am in the middle of the night. One other thing, he forgets he's eaten and keeps asking for more, he can be hard work. Oh, I forgot he keeps attacking Leah our other cat, she does not no whats hit her half the time. He jumps on her while she sleeps and grabs her when she goes through the cat flap, she has just had enough of him and growls when he comes near, and who can blame her.
Poor old Max! The condition is very similar to what we see in human Alzheimer's. I didn't realize cats could get it, but there's a lot about cat dementia on the net. It's quite worrying, we not sure what to do about it, or him.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
The colour of snot.
Andy and my self have had a virus all week. Our joints, muscles, head and any thing else you can think of hurt like hell. I also had, and still have a sore throat and ears. But it's the runny nose that has got me thinking, why when you have a heavy cold why is the snot always green? After over a box of tissues and half a toilet roll I decided to get to the bottom of it, or the nose of it in this case.
Here is what I have found out:
Contrary to what you might think, normal nose glop is vital for good health. It helps to protect your lungs and also helps keep your body moist ( it's always good to have a moist body, oooooooh matron). It contains proteins, carbohydrates, salt and some cells. The primary type of protein are the mucins, which have a sugar coating that enables them to absorb large quantities of water. Which gives mucus its consistency and wetting properties. These also contain antibodies that kick start the body’s defences against disease causing agents such as bacteria, viruses and fungi and antiseptic enzymes, such as lysozyme, that can directly kill bacteria. Isn't snot good stuff.
A stuffed up nose is caused when mucus gets trapped behind swollen nasal passages. They become swollen because of increased blood flow to that area,this occurs so that the goodie white blood cells can reach the point of infection. This is why decongestants can help your cold by shrinking the blood vessels and cutting down the blood flow, reducing the swelling. Except I can't use them. Ibuprofen upsets my stomach in a big way and sudafed gives me nightmares, that is if I can sleep after I have taken the dam stuff! But not all is lost, apparently if you have a runny nose then taking antihistamines can help by blocking the histamine-induced stimulation of mucus production.
white blood cells called neutrophils are amongst the first on the scene when a cold starts and arrive via the blood stream. Upon arrival they mount an attack. They attempt to engulf (swallow) the pathogen (a virus in the case of colds) and at the same time they produce antiseptic chemicals that wipe out other pathogens nearby. These chemicals are so potent that very little escape and are destroyed, committing suicide to fight the spread of infection. Generally, enzymes are responsible for the production of the antiseptic chemicals and it is these that give mucus the green colour. Enzymes often require ‘helpers’, called co-enzymes, to function properly and it is more specifically the co-enzyme iron that lends the green colour to mucus. Interestingly, it is similar to the iron containing enzymes in wasabi and that what makes it green too.
So, I finally I have my answer, why snot is green. It's the iron containing enzymes, and the same reason why wasabi is green, but thankfully snot is not as hot. I suppose if it was, you wouldn't have a cold, you would have a hot!
Most of my information came from Becky Poole from Bristol Uni . Well someone's got to do it. And here ends the lesson in The colour of snot.
Here is what I have found out:
Contrary to what you might think, normal nose glop is vital for good health. It helps to protect your lungs and also helps keep your body moist ( it's always good to have a moist body, oooooooh matron). It contains proteins, carbohydrates, salt and some cells. The primary type of protein are the mucins, which have a sugar coating that enables them to absorb large quantities of water. Which gives mucus its consistency and wetting properties. These also contain antibodies that kick start the body’s defences against disease causing agents such as bacteria, viruses and fungi and antiseptic enzymes, such as lysozyme, that can directly kill bacteria. Isn't snot good stuff.
A stuffed up nose is caused when mucus gets trapped behind swollen nasal passages. They become swollen because of increased blood flow to that area,this occurs so that the goodie white blood cells can reach the point of infection. This is why decongestants can help your cold by shrinking the blood vessels and cutting down the blood flow, reducing the swelling. Except I can't use them. Ibuprofen upsets my stomach in a big way and sudafed gives me nightmares, that is if I can sleep after I have taken the dam stuff! But not all is lost, apparently if you have a runny nose then taking antihistamines can help by blocking the histamine-induced stimulation of mucus production.
white blood cells called neutrophils are amongst the first on the scene when a cold starts and arrive via the blood stream. Upon arrival they mount an attack. They attempt to engulf (swallow) the pathogen (a virus in the case of colds) and at the same time they produce antiseptic chemicals that wipe out other pathogens nearby. These chemicals are so potent that very little escape and are destroyed, committing suicide to fight the spread of infection. Generally, enzymes are responsible for the production of the antiseptic chemicals and it is these that give mucus the green colour. Enzymes often require ‘helpers’, called co-enzymes, to function properly and it is more specifically the co-enzyme iron that lends the green colour to mucus. Interestingly, it is similar to the iron containing enzymes in wasabi and that what makes it green too.
So, I finally I have my answer, why snot is green. It's the iron containing enzymes, and the same reason why wasabi is green, but thankfully snot is not as hot. I suppose if it was, you wouldn't have a cold, you would have a hot!
Most of my information came from Becky Poole from Bristol Uni . Well someone's got to do it. And here ends the lesson in The colour of snot.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Cant believe it, it's snowing on mars!

Image from Hoax-slayer
It's 5:30am I've been awake for a couple of hours at least. A number of thing are keeping me awake, yes the normal aches and pains. Mainly my art and whats it about, and the news that it's snowing on Mars.
Scientists from NASA said yesterday that its instruments on the Red Planet have detected falling snow. The Phoenix Mars Lander has been sitting on the northern pole of the planet for several months, testing Martian soil samples for any materials, including water and ice that could support life. A robotic arm on the lander has dug up pieces of ice, the orbiter has also sent back pictures of what look like old fractures in the planet's surface, and trails of waterways.
The snow that's falling, are from clouds about 2.5 miles above the planet's surface, and apparently is evaporating before reaching the ground, but they are looking for signs that the snow may reach the ground. NASA also noticed that in recent soil experiments, the lander had found the presence of calcium carbonate, a main ingredient in chalk and clay. Both are formed with liquid water, this is so exciting.
As you probably know scientists have reported finding evidence of a system of river channels that flowed into a crater lake, slightly larger than Lake Tahoe in California. The orbiter has sent back information showing that there was water on Mars as far back as 4.6 billion to 3.8 billion years ago. This is a period of time that corresponds to the earliest years of our solar system. My head is spinning, and this time through the enormity of the findings (makes a change my from Arnold Chiari). I've got to say it once more, it's snowing on Mars!
It's 6:15 I think I will try and get some sleep if my imagination will let me.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
The end of a era.
That's it, empty, all gone, what now?
Will it reopen we don't know, mean while my sculptures and some paintings are in storage in Alford. As for the rest they're in the spare bed room waiting to be logged and photographed, then put up on a website.
It was quite sad saying good bye to the other artists in the studios, we said we keep in touch, but shall we who knows. Most have got new spaces else where, I am waiting to see what comes up. The council seems to be saying we should be back in in 18 months, whether we do is another matter.
For my self now I'm out it would make sense to try and find some where nearer home, because of my health challenges.
More stuff has gone missing since my last visit to the studio. A inside job is looking favorite at the moment for the latest things. I have only lost a gallon of PVA glue and a canvas stretcher this time, but other artists have lost stuff as well. A artist put a chair in the passage to take to his car went back in his room for a couple of minuets and his chair had disappeared.
One artist was filling a van with what ever she could, stuff that other artist had to get back off her. This leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, I thought every one in there could be trusted.
At the moment I feel a little lost, the studio was where I was just an artist. It was where I could immerse my self in my art, and leave any worries or duties behind. But as funny as it my seem I think something good will come out of it.
So here's to the future and what ever it brings
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